
FitzTalk Bulletin

FitzTalk is our occasional bulletin that aims to keep you and your family, friends and networks in touch with our activities.

While full membership of the FRA (with voting rights etc) costs money, FitzTalk bulletin is free.

This initiative has a goal of improving connectivity on issues that impact Fitzroy.  The bulletin will now be available to anyone who wishes to subscribe regardless of membership or geographical location.

Subscribe to our FitzTalk Bulletin here!

Fitztalk Bulletin #34 Jun 2024

Fitztalk Bulletin #33 – May 2024

Fitztalk Bulletin #32 – March/April 2024

Fitztalk Bulletin #31 – February 2024

Fitztalk Bulletin #30 – January 2024

Fitztalk Bulletin #29 – December 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #28.1 – October 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #28 – October 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #27 – August 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #26 – July 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #25 – April 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #24 – March 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #23 – February 2023

FitzTalk Bulletin #22 – January 2023

Full FitzTalk Archive Here!

FitzTalk in the Pub

The FRA host local ‘PubTalk’ events to provide members and friends with the opportunity to hear from those in the know on issues that provide opportunities and challenges for our suburb and City.  Below is information on our past PubtTalks.

Apr 2024 – PubTalk #5 – Live Music under threat of decline in Fitzroy.  A panel of live music venue owners, performers and politicians sought actions to keep the live music industry viable.

Oct 2023 – PubTalk #4 – Decisions, Democracy and Transparency in Yarra.  Presenter Councillor Amanda Stone put the case for greater participation by citizens in local decisions.

Aug 2023 – PubTalk #3 – Graffiti, Street Art and Public Space.  We were educated on differences between graffiti and street art and discussion of what the Council should be doing, particularly in light of its Graffiti Management Plan which appears not to have been implemented.

May 2023 – PubTalk #2 – Planning – Everyone agrees the system is broken, but how do we fix it?  There is much frustration by all participants as the State Planning Minister has (still) not approved the Design and Development overlays for Fitzroy and Collingwood which would provide certainty to all on what can / cannot be built.

Mar 2023 – PubTalk #1 – Urban Planning – Rob Adams, Fitzroy resident and urban planner led the revitalisation of Melbourne CBD for 40 years.  Rob argued Melbourne could double its population within existing boundaries if medium density housing and commercial use of 4 storeys on tram and bus corridors was allowed.

To be informed about upcoming events, contact us to request to be added to our Fitztalk mailing list.