The FRA will present its case for a refusal of this over development based on the following grounds –
1. The proposed height, setbacks, massing and design of the building will dominate the surrounding streetscapes and will not positively respond to the surrounding context.
2. The proposed height, setbacks, massing and design of the building would unreasonably impact the heritage character of the area and the heritage significance of the South Fitzroy heritage precinct.
3. The proposal fails to respond to the off-site amenity of the surrounding properties and public realm, resulting in unreasonable visual bulk, noise, overlooking and overshadowing impacts.
4. The proposal would result in an unacceptable internal amenity outcome, contrary to clause 15.01-2 (Urban design principles), clause 21.05-2 (Urban design), and clause 58 (Apartment Developments) of the Yarra Planning Scheme.
5. The proposal has not adequately dealt with wind matters with regard to on-site and offsite amenity.